Welcome to the website of poet & literacy advocate


An award-winning author of eight books, Mandy Coe writes poetry for adults and children.   She works in education and literacy projects though residencies, workshops and readings.

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Look out for the tree that saved a town; dip your toe in the Milky Way; sing the City Seed Song; play in Kitty Cat Street - and then come home to Belonging Street.

...a magical and heartwarming collection.


"I'm going to make this city green, right here

where I lie I'll make this city green."


"Mandy Coe is is one of our most exciting poets

writing for children." Pie Corbett

Otter-Barry Books, August 2025
ISBN 9781913074807

Latest poetry collection for adults 

There Will Be Cherries

"Mandy Coe is an original. No one looks at and writes about the world like she does... an almost Blakean sense of the divine in living things." Anthony Wilson, Lifesaving Poems, (Bloodaxe)

ISBN 978-1-910323-54-0

Author of six poetry collections, Mandy has received the Manchester Poetry Prize  and  a Hawthornden Fellowship.  Her poems have been broadcast on BBC radio and television.


Mandy writes for, and works with, adults and children in schools, universities, teacher training colleges and community arts projects.


腾讯首页 - QQ:2021-10-21 · 腾讯网从2021年创立至今,已经成为集新闻信息,区域垂直生活服务、社会化媒体资讯和产品为一体的互联网媒体平台。腾讯网下设新闻、科技、财经、娱乐、体育、汽车、时尚等多个频道,充分满足用户对不同类型资讯的需求。同时专注不同领域内容,打造精品栏目,并顺应技术发展趋势,推出 ...mxvpm加速中心官网,  Poetry School, The Poetry Society, Book Trust, National Galleries and mxvpm加速中心网站. 


Mandy lives in the North West of England and is a Visiting Fellow of The Writing School at Manchester Metropolitan University. 

photo credit, Sarah Maclennan


REVIEWS for books

'Our thoughts are bees: Writers Working with Schools (Coe/Sprackland)


"...a writer in a school can indeed create moments that can be life-enhancing, life-changing even - can help a children become a reader for life, and maybe a writer too."







In conversation, Michael Rosen

mxvpm加速中心官网Let in the Stars,

Manchester Literature Festival


"I don’t think I’ve ever been to a literary event with two less pretentious speakers....

Both writers approached poetry as a lived personal experience...

not just for themselves but for everyone." 


Bryony Makin, Chapter & Verse, Manchester Literature Festival Blog,


photo credit, The Writing School at MMU






We live in books and photographs,
our stories all begin with ‘Once’,
three, two, going, going…gone.


Barbary Lion, Atitlan Grebe,
Caribbean Monk Seal, Carolina Parakeet.

We tasted good, our forests were yours
Our horn was valuable, you wore our furs,
three, two, going, going…gone.


Laughing Owl, Passenger Pigeon,
Javan Tiger, Japanese Sea Lion.

We flew and swam beneath the sun,
nested, hunted, raised our young,
three, two, going, going…gone.


Western Black Rhinoceros, Aldabra Snail,
Pyrenean Ibex, Wake Island Rail

Shells, tails, whiskers and bone,
three, two, going, going…



Poem © Mandy Coe, 2010, used by permission of the author and Salt Publishing




He whistles to my giddy ant
he whistles fish and ships, 
he whistles to the boys and ghouls
with magic in his lips.

He whistles with his hat and soul
practising day and neat.
Without rhyme or raisin, he whistles
to the birds and beasts.

His whistle is a spanner in the words
and sooner or alligator, 
sink or swan, 
he’ll whistle our world upside-dawn.

The whistling man will whistle us 
out of our shoes and sharks. 
Truth and pies, white or wrong
beware the whistler’s mixed-up song.




Poem © Mandy Coe ‘Belonging Street’
Otter-Barry Books (2025)



'Talking Poetry' School's Radio  



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